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September, 2019

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Published on: October 5, 2019

September 1 – 7 – We attended Sunday school and church on Sunday, the first. Monday was the Labor Day holiday. The YMCA was closed, so we just stayed home for the day. We welcomed my brother-in-law, Edward, for a visit. His home is on the east coast of Florida and in a mandatory evacuation area due to Hurricane Dorian which was expected to affect the area after it finished ravaging the northern Bahamas. Edward returned home safely to a secure house on Thursday. On Friday, Jen Switzer posted on Facebook that the Bradenton Yacht Club was collecting supplies to send to the Bahamas for Dorian relief. I put together two boxes of bandages, a few unopened generic medicines and a few slings and dropped them off when I went to the Yacht Club to attend the Ladies Luncheon to meet the prospective pastor for Palm View First Baptist Church on Saturday.

September 8 – 14 – We had a big crowd at church today as this one day is the membership’s only chance to hear the prospective pastor in person. After the morning service we had soup and sandwiches and had a question and answer period with Reverend Jonathan Elwing and his family pictured below.

daughter, wife and two sons with pastor

On Monday, 9/9, I went to a place in Ellenton for a massage. JP had gone last week and recommended it. It was the first massage I have had in the past 6 months and boy did I need it. I was also very saddened to learn that our friend Steve Fredrick passed away yesterday. He and his wife, Joy, spent many seasons sailing on their Ocean Angel and were the inspiration noted at the top of our web page. I enjoyed lunch with my friend, Jackie, on Wednesday, 9/11, and we planned a shopping trip for next week. I chose a restaurant on the southwest side of Bradenton, so I could drop off a number of boxes and bags of baby items from the pregnancy center to be taken over to the badly-damaged islands of the northern Bahamas which were ravaged recently by hurricane Dorian. The island where Rick and I lived for several years, Compass Cay, is in the central Bahamas and was not damaged. Dad was feeling “quite right”, so we skipped the gym, but I went to choir practice where I learned that we will be having Christmas cantata choir practice starting next Tuesday through mid-December in addition to our regular Wednesday night practices. The rest of the week was filled with routine activities.

September 15 – 21

On Sunday, the membership of Palm View First Baptist Church in Palmetto, Florida, voted to call Pastor Elwing to be our new minister and he accepted. He will begin on November 1.

My granddaughter called me Monday afternoon asking if I could take her to work and pick her up tomorrow. She had a tire blow out and she was worried about driving on the donut. So, Tuesday morning, 9/17, I left the house before 6 am to pick her up and take her to Freedom Village where she works. After shopping with Jackie at Beall’s, I went in early to the pregnancy center to work and had the entire back of my car full of boxes and bags of donations to the Bahamian hurricane Dorian victims. I picked Vanessa up shortly after 2:00. We went to the middle school that was collecting donations and dropped them off before returning to Palmetto to get her home and then back to my house in Parrish. I went to my doctor’s office Thursday morning. 9/19, for a blood draw and then did my regular visits of shut-ins with Shirley Myrek.

We skipped the gym on Friday9/20, so I could be ready to leave the house at 4:30 to attend a fundraiser for the pregnancy center at the Palmetto Presbyterian church which happens to be across the street from the center. It included a lasagna dinner followed by a “clean” comedy show by Juanita Lolita.

Woman holding microphone

The above picture was taken from her website .

Late Saturday, 9/21, Kellie acquired a new puppy which she is generously sharing with Emma and JP. His name is Theo.

Theo and Kellie

September 22 – 28

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Sunday – Dad and I went to church, but Emma stayed home to play with the new puppy.

Monday – I went shopping in the morning; picking up some office supplies for myself; some shoe boxes and items to go into them to be donated as Christmas gifts to children around the world and disseminated through the Samaritan’s Purse organization.   On the way home, I picked up a couple more items to donate to the silent auction that will be held with the annual banquet for the pregnancy center. We went to the YMCA in the afternoon

Tuesday – Volunteer in church office; have lunch with friend, Jane, who plays the piano at church; volunteer at the North River Care Pregnancy Center; and Christmas choir practice. Left the house at 10 a.m. and returned around 9 p.m.

Wednesday – Today was JP and Kellie’s 9th wedding anniversary. I was so busy, I forgot to acknowledge it, but I’m making up for it by keeping Emma overnight on Saturday so that they can go out to a nice steak house in Tampa (Charlie’s) for an anniversary dinner. On Wednesday morning, I took the car for maintenance at Sunset Kia in Bradenton. While they were changing the oil and rotating the tires, I spent a little time sightseeing with my friend, Jackie, driving out to the beach and back. Dad and I went to the YMCA in the afternoon and then I went to choir practice in the evening. I was very pleased to see Bobbi coming out of the church with her husband on Wednesday night. She is one of the shut-in’s that Shirley and I have been visiting in a rehabilitation center. Obviously, she is feeling better.

On Thursday morning I had a 3-month check-up with my doctor. He said that even though some of my test results were a little higher than normal, he was still pleased with my health. I will see him again in January. In the afternoon, I attended an annual banquet committee meeting for the North River Care Pregnancy Center. The banquet is only 2 weeks away.

Friday morning saw me getting my hair cut; getting the car washed; and going by the cemetery to collect the flowers at Rick’s stone so I can change them out for some I bought on Monday. In the afternoon, I baked a corn casserole for me and Dad to take to the Senior Pot-Luck supper at church in the evening.

On Saturday, JP took Emma, me and Dad on a golf cart ride throughout the neighborhood; into the area being developed now and down to the river where he had taken us last winter. The picture below came from the Twin Rivers website.

Cleared property and water in new phase

We used to take a dirt road, lined with trees, down to the river, but most of that has now been cleared for development. When we got to the river, though, the park area looked pretty much the same.

kayak rack and picnic table by riverIn the late afternoon, Emma came over to my house to spend the night, so that her mom and dad could go out to eat in Tampa and not worry about getting home in time to put her to bed.

September 29th and 30th were routine.

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  Our journey has been inspired by Joy and Steve Fredrick. You can see more of their story at

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